There are so many misconceptions about arrogance, but these quotes about arrogance are going to explain, once and for all, why arrogance can be the downfall to your success.
As opposed to confidence, which is being assured of your own self-worth and having belief in your abilities (check out this great book on having confidence), arrogance is an over exaggerated view of your own abilities to the point that you think you’re better than everyone else and feel the need to “show off” or make sure that people know (you think) you’re better than them.
People are attracted to confident people, whether you’re confident at work, confident without make-up, or something else, but arrogance, not so much.
These arrogant people quotes will help define the difference.
Now, there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, and sometimes a bit of swagger and arrogance can be what pushes someone over the edge of success, but it’ll never sustain you and it will never win you friends.
Enjoy these arrogance quotes to get a feel for why arrogance is not something to strive for, how arrogance and insecurity go hand in hand, and quotes on arrogant attitudes that will instantly help you realize why this is never the way forward.
1. “Arrogance is a creature. It does not have senses. It has only a sharp tongue and the pointing finger.”

2. “Arrogance is an unhealthy ego in need of repair.”

3. “Humility is the greatest quality that man can have, and arrogance is undoubtedly the worst.”

4. “Nothing so obstinately stands in the way of all sorts of progress as pride of opinion. While nothing is so foolish and baseless.”

5. “Arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity.”

6. “You can have a certain arrogance, and I think that’s fine, but what you should never lose is the respect for the others.”

7. “There’s a thin line between confidence and arrogance. It’s called humility. Confidence smiles, arrogance smirks.”

8. “It’s only arrogance if you’re wrong.”

9. “The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance.”

10. “People need to realize the difference between being arrogant and confident.”

11. “To be arrogant is to be mistaken about your own self-importance.”

12. “Arrogance is so ridiculous, no one has any reason to be so. Do you not realize how small you are in such a huge world?”

13. “Arrogance and pride were the reasons Satan was expelled from paradise. Do not let it be the reason you don’t enter paradise.”

14. “A mistake that makes you humble is better than achievement that makes you arrogant.”

15. “Arrogance and pride will make you fall. Be humble and remain humble at all times.”

16. “Arrogance is used by the weak, while kindness is used by the strong.”

17. “Arrogance is fragile material.”

18. “No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything.”

19. “Arrogance is a killer, and wearing ambition on one’s sleeve can have the same effect. There is a fine line between arrogance and self-confidence.”

20. “Arrogance diminishes wisdom.”

21. “The arrogance of age must submit to be taught by youth.”

22. “Arrogance requires advertising. Confidence speaks for itself.”

23. “Ego and arrogance spoils attitude.”

24. “It is our own arrogance and pride that cause pain. The more that we think that we can do anything, the less we realize our complete dependence on God, and the worse the pain becomes.”

25. “People think I’m arrogant, but I really just have no interest in talking to any of you idiots.”

26. “The more informed you are, the less arrogant and aggressive you are.”

27. “The arrogance of the young is a direct result of not having known enough consequences.”

28. “Arrogance is the conjoined twin of ignorance.”

29. “Be strong, but not rude. Be kind, but not weak. Be confident, but not arrogant.”

30. “Blinded by his arrogance, he failed to see the truth.”

31. “No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious about his virility.”

32. “Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.”

33. “Wealth leads to greediness and arrogance.”

34. “An arrogant person considers himself perfect. This is the chief harm of arrogance.”

35. “The arrogant, judgmental, and egotistical appear to think they are better than you. Truth is, they are attempting to convince themselves that they are.”

36. “Accomplish, but do not boast. Accomplish without show. Accomplish without arrogance.”

37. “Arrogance closes more doors than it opens. Stay humble.”

38. “The truest characters of ignorance are vanity, pride, and arrogance.”

39. “If a wine drinker has a deep gentleness in him, he will show that when drunk. But if he has hidden anger and arrogance, those appear.”

40. “Arrogance – an offensive display of superiority or self-importance, overbearing pride.”

41. “Arrogance rides triumphantly through the gates, barely glancing at the old woman about to cut the rope and spring shut the trap.”

42. “The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient tomorrow.”

43. “It was the age of confident. Arrogance was an epidemic.”

44. “Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.”

45. “Arrogance is knowledge minus wisdom.”

46. “Never mistake arrogance for intellect.”

47. “Arrogance and conceit are the mother and father of a closed mind.”

48. “The offspring of riches: pride, vanity, ostentation, arrogance, tyranny.”

49. “Insensitivity makes arrogance ugly; empathy is what makes humility beautiful.”

50. “All too often, arrogance accompanies strength, and we must never assume that justice is on the side of the strong. The use of power must always be accompanied by moral choice.”

51. “Put aside your pride, set down your arrogance, and remember your grave.”

52. “Arrogance doesn’t have variety in shades. Humility has umpteen.”

53. “Get over your self.”

54. “Arrogance based on relentless denial of faults eventually makes a person weary.”

55. “Never think that you are without arrogance.”

Hopefully these quotes about arrogance are something you can take with you as work towards success in your life as a great reminder that our accomplishments and our personalities speak for themselves.
Even if you’re the best businessman in all the world, be humble and appreciate that your sales and profits will speak for themselves without you needing to feel like you’re better than everyone else.
We all have something to give, and in truth, arrogance is such a blinder because it prevents us from learning new things and seeing where we went wrong.
These quotes about arrogance attitudes shows exactly that.
Be courageous, be confident, be self-assured, work on improving your self-esteem, and be proud of what you have achieved, but have humility and leave your pride and arrogance at the door.
You’ll get much further that way.
What are your favorite quotes or lessons about arrogance? Let me know below!
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