If you’re a fan of Chip and Joanna Gaines, you’ll know that a healthy dose of wisdom from the dynamic shiplap duo is enough to make you feel like you can conquer the world.
In these inspirational Chip and Joanna Gaines quotes, they’ll share the best pieces of advice they have on life, love, relationships, home, and friendship.
From feeling empowered to design your space the way you want it to finally realizing that you have to learn to find the beauty in the ugly, take note of what they’ve learned, said, and shared over the years.
Write these down and put them up in a space around you so you can make it your mantra, or just soak these in before Demo day so you can approach your renovation of your house and of your life with greater confidence.

1. “Go and find what it is that inspires you, go and find what it is that you love, and go do that until it hurts.” – Joanna

2. “I always thought that the ‘thriving’ would come when everything was perfect, and what I learned is that it’s actually down in the mess that things get good.” – Joanna
3. “It’s up to us to choose contentment and thankfulness now – and to stop imagining that we have to have everything perfect before we’ll be happy.” – Joanna
4. “If I had planned my life, it never would have ended up like this. So maybe it’s kind of fun not to plan. Maybe it’s more fun just to see where life takes you.” – Joanna
5. “If you can’t find happiness in the ugliness, you’re not going to find it in the beauty either.” – Joanna
6. “Be intentional with your space. Don’t be afraid to step on a limb and design your home the way you love it.” – Joanna
7. “Sometimes worrying about something is much worse than the actual thing you’re worrying about. So, really, what’s the point in worrying?” – Chip Gaines
8. “When things come against us we can either turn on each other or we can come together and turn on it.”
9. “The buck stops with you, every time.”

10. “Life isn’t safe, remember. But life can be wonderful if you choose adventure rather than fear.”
11. “There are many things that can knock us down, so why waste one minute worrying about what we can’t control” – Chip Gaines
12. “I don’t want to be boring. I don’t want to be normal.” – Chip Gaines

13. Dream like Joanna. Demo like Chip.
14. “Home is the most important place.”
15. “The world needs who you were made to be.”

16. And so they built a life they loved.
17. There is gold in every piece of your story.
18. “We do the impossible when we tell ourselves we can.” – Chip Gaines

19. “If I hadn’t married Chip, I might not have ever bloomed.” – Joanna
20. “I told myself that I was going to live the rest of my life as if it were Saturday.” – Chip Gaines
21. “We can all choose to be atmosphere changers.” – Joanna

22. You had me at shiplap.
23. In a world filled with Kanye and Kim’s, be a Chip and Joanna.