There’s just something about angels that many people find brings them comfort and peace, and these inspirational angel quotes will make sure that you feel empowered and encouraged each and every day.
From motivational angel quotes to inspiring angel quotes to positive quotes about angels (both the ones with the wings and the ones that come to us on Earth), there are so many quotes here to make you smile or bring you that extra bit of comfort when times are hard.
Pick your favorites and write them down and read them to yourself every day, or use them in greeting cards or to send messages to friends or family who may need your support and that gentle reminder that they have angels everywhere looking after them.
Enjoy the imagery of angels dancing, floating high up in the sky, and using their soft touch to guide you in the right direction and help you find your purpose.
1. “Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your Angel has given you.”

2. “May there always be an angel by your side.”

3. “Angels can fly because they carry no burdens.”

4. “We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.”

5. “Earth angels help others remember who they are.”

6. “Gut feelings are guardian angels.”

7. “An Angel in the house, they say, will guard your family night and day.”

8. “When babies look beyond you and giggle, maybe they’re seeing angels.”

9. “Because of you, I believe in angels.”

10. “The wings of angels are hope and faith.”

11. “When angels sense you need them, and angels always do, they come unseen from everywhere to help and comfort you.”

12. “Life is full of moments that only you and your angels share.”

13. “Not all angels reside in heaven. Some walk the earth. Just like you.”

14. “All God’s angels come to us, disguised.”

15. “Angels are never too distant to hear you.”

16. “Angels appear in many different forms to hold your hand through the difficult times.”

17. “Angels are often sent as friends.”

18. “May you travel through life on the wings of angels.”

19. “Butterflies appear when angels are near.”

20. “May angels fly with you wherever you roam and guide you back safely to family and home.”

21. “Angels speak to those who silence their minds long enough to hear.”

22. “Just because you can’t see your angels, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t there.”

23. “Never ever think that your angels have left you, they are with you right now and always will be.”

24. “Angels fly because they take themselves lightly.”

25. “Angels danced the day you were born.”

26. “Angels are more interested in us than we are in ourselves.”

27. “Angels only care about what you look like on the inside.”

28. “Kindness is the touch of an angel’s hand.”

29. “Believers, look up – take courage, the angels are nearer than you think.”

30. “We are all winging it – that’s what angels do.”

31. “Angels come in many shapes and sizes, and most of them are not invisible.”

32. “Happy is the heart that believes in angels.”

33. “Angels are visible to those who accept the light and break the pact made with darkness.”

34. “Angels come in many forms, but they always bring the same message – wisdom.”

35. “Where your fears are, put angels there.”